Pet Friendly Living & Travel
Pet Friendly Accommodation & travelling.
It’s fascinating to investigate the numerous scenarios involving pet owners looking for rental housing.
As a pet owner, you are responsible for your pet’s wellbeing, therefore you will want to be able to set up any rental home to best accommodate your furry little buddy. In addition to the terms and conditions of any rental agreement, there is almost certainly going to be local government/council responsibilities that apply equally to tenants and house owners.
Before being told what you can and cannot do when renting with pets, I recommend you search up the local legislation; there is almost certainly some type of a Residential Tenancies Act in the state or country where you live.
You might be pleasantly pleased to discover that there is nothing prohibiting you from having a pet or requiring you to obtain your landlord’s permission before maintaining a pet. However, there will be landlords who insert a condition banning pets in the residential leasing agreement, and there is probably nothing stopping them from doing so.
The Pros and Cons of allowing tenants to have a pet

If you take a step back and consider the pros and cons of allowing someone to have a pet in your home, you can certainly understand why some landlords may choose to include such a condition.
Maybe they’ve been burnt before by bad tenants? In any case, I would think that fundamental human decency would triumph in most situations.
Where elderly persons or individuals with specific health conditions could benefit from having a certain sort of Pet these scenarios would be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The Location and Style of the Dwelling.

The style of dwelling you live in might often affect your chances of having a pet with you; for example, I believe it is extremely difficult to keep pets in many Strata Schemes in some locations.
You will need to study the Strata Management by-laws, but even so, there must be a reasonably solid cause for a blanket ban on animals in those by-laws. If not, you may have a good case to fight this issue; check your State or Country’s Strata Schemes Management Regulations or similar.
If you are fortunate enough to discover a rental home that permits your pets, you must ensure that you follow the rules.
If you have a noisy pet, it is conceivable that you will violate your leasing agreement. The appropriateness of the noise will be determined by the specific conditions, such as frequency and time of day.
Naturally, you will be responsible for not intentionally or negligently causing damage to any premises you rent, and for returning the premises in the same state as when the lease began.
What happens if your pet causes damage to a home?

If your pet causes damage to the premises, such as scratching doors or floorboards, you will be responsible for repairing or replacing the damage. The specifics of repairs and how the bond can be used, for example, are likely to be state or country specific.
In most cases, your landlord has the power to enter the property without your permission but typically only in very limited circumstances (there will be legislature relating to this). If a landlord is aware of your pet and causes harm to your pet as a result of when they entered the premises, such as leaving a gate open through which the dog escapes, they may be liable to you for compensation.
Additional clauses in the residential lease agreement that force you to have the premises professionally cleaned or fumigated after you move out, not only suck but are probably illegal and invalid (check all wording in relation to this before you rent). Hopefully there will be an exemption if you are allowed to keep an animal on the property.
Incurring additional costs due to having a pet

You should only be forced to have the premises professionally cleaned or fumigated if a problem is discovered. It’s surely not enough that you kept a pet; there would need to be some un-cleanliness or influx as a result.
For example, if you have a pet frog in a tank or terrarium, unless you lived in some weird location, I really doubt your landlord could order you to fumigate the premises.
Landlords and agents may request additional bond amounts in addition to what is normal/standard if you own a pet.
I recently heard that these ‘pet bonds’ are frequently not lodged with the relevant authorities and are instead retained in an account maintained by the landlord or agent. This may not be legal in your state or country.
Renting with Assistance Animals
I hope with all my heart that it is illegal for a landlord or strata management group to refuse you keeping a government approved assistance animal in any country or state in the world, as that is simply heartless.
Check your country’s regulations / laws for information relating to ‘Assistance Animals,’ after all, they are specially trained and typically registered to assist a person with an ability limitation.
International & Domestic Airline travel with your Pet
It’s a good idea to take your dog to the Vet for a check-up before going on a long trip. Make sure all of your dogs vaccinations are up-to-date and take the Vet Issued Vaccination book with you. If you would like to maintain your own health booklet for your pet, here is the link for a great template. When it comes to airline travel, there is quite a few hoops to jump through and airlines like Qantas have changed their approach towards Pet Travel in recent times and will now refer you to a ‘Pet Travel Specialist’ company.
If you have a brachycephalic breed of dog (flat faced) there may be a need check your airlines list of accepted breeds.
It’s not a prejudice thing; it’s merely that brachycephalic breeds are more likely than other dog breeds to experience medical problems while flying. They are not only more susceptible to humidity and hot temperatures, but they also have trouble breathing when stressed or when travelling at high altitudes. For the safety and protection of brachycephalic breeds, certain airlines have begun to impose prohibitions or restrictions. If you intend to travel with your brachycephalic dog, consult your veterinarian and airline well ahead of time.
Pet Transport Crates – Airline Travel.
To ensure your pet dog or cat’s safety and comfort in the cargo hold of an aeroplane, it’s critical to select the appropriate air crate. The crate you buy or rent should not only be pleasant and safe for your pet, but it should also comply with all international standards for live animal transportation. If you don’t follow the airline’s rules, your pet may not be allowed to board the plane. Airline rules may appear onerous and overbearing, but they are in place to ensure your pet’s safety and well-being.

Approved crates come in a variety of sizes; it’s crucial to pick the proper one for your pet. Tall breeds can travel in specially designed crates as long as they meet all airline requirements. Your pet should be able to stand up and turn around freely inside the carrier as a general rule. They should be able to lay down comfortably with their paws outstretched and gaze out of the container without having to duck their head. To establish the proper crate size, take four measurements of your pet with a measuring tape.
A) The tip of the nose to the base of the tail
B) Height from the ground to the elbow joint while standing
C) The width across the shoulders or widest point (whichever is the greater).
D) From the top of the head to the ground when your dog is standing. If your pet has upright ears, measure from tip of the ears to the ground.
With these measurements, your animal transport specialist may readily select the appropriate crate size for overseas travel. The crate’s length must not be less than ‘A+B’. Use the formula ‘(C+1in) x 2’ to compute the crate’s width, and the crate’s height should be ‘D +3in’.
Air crates must be sturdy enough to endure the stresses of air travel without jeopardising your pet’s safety. The pet crates should be composed of fibreglass, metal, solid non-toxic rigid plastic, or wood, according to airline regulations. Rigid plastic crates are the most commonly used and recommended. The crate must not be foldable, and the floor must be sturdy and leak-proof.
All three sides of the air crate must be ventilated, and the inside of the crate must be smooth with no sharp edges. The door must be made of metal and have a locking system that extends at least 1.6 cm above and below the door. The door must be sturdy enough to keep the creature safely inside. It shouldn’t have any harsh edges that could hurt your pet.
Some containers come with plastic fasteners, however using a crate with metal fastening is advised. Forklift spacers are required on the sides of large crates, whereas handles are required on the sides of smaller crates to allow airline handlers to move the crate securely.
The crate should contain highly visible ‘live animal’ stickers in the appropriate colours with precise information in a globally recognised format, the Pet Parents contact details, the animal transport company’s contact details, as well as any necessary permits and certificates. For your pet’s comfort, place an absorbent pet pad on the air crate’s floor. It’s a good idea to keep an unwashed t-shirt or an old blanket in the air cage so your pet can smell it. Hard toys and other attachments are not permitted on board because they are prohibited by the airlines.
Collapsible containers and metal wire crates should not be purchased. They aren’t approved by airlines; therefore your pet won’t be able to travel domestically or worldwide in them. Plastic-doored crates with side clips should be avoided. Although pet kennels with wheels appear to be helpful, airline inspectors typically remove the wheels before to boarding, rendering the kennel unusable.
Second-hand crates should be avoided since they may have been used in the home by unvaccinated pets and may contain illness or disease traces.
It’s ideal to acclimate your pet to the air crate a few weeks before departure, encouraging them to rest and sleep in it and forming a positive association with it. This will go a long way towards ensuring that your dog has a pleasant flight.
Weaned puppies or kittens may travel well together in the same primary enclosure. When crating puppies or kittens together in the same crate they must be from the same litter, not older than six months, weigh no more than 14 kg each and no more than three per container.
A maximum of two mature animals of equivalent size up to 14 kg each, who are compatible in size and used to living together, may travel in the same crate, therefore Animals weighing more than 14 kg must be crated separately (I think this rule is too relaxed).
After all, unless they’re puppies or kittens, your pets may become nervous, upset, and even violent as a result of their circumstances when travelling by air, so don’t put them in the same container.
‘Dogtainers’ will supply crates when take your Pet to their operations centre and appears to have a solid handle on things; they understand that various animals have different requirements, which is why they have a huge assortment of animal transport crates to accommodate cats, dogs, and a variety of other pets.
You can rest easy knowing that whichever pet you’re sending will travel in a proper, airline-approved travel crate that ensures their comfort and safety. Dogtainers uses IATA-specified crates, which means they’re accepted by all domestic and international aircraft.
Road Trips with your Pet can be the best time of your life

Don’t assume your dog is going to be ok when you’re going on a long road trip. Although I’m sure your vet will let you know if there are any problems, it’s a good idea to go over your itinerary with your vet, including how long you expect to travel each day, how often you want to stop, and so on.
Ask your veterinarian if your dog is in good mental and physical state to travel, as not all dogs love trips, especially those that last several days. Bring a supply of your dog’s usual food with you on your trip to keep them healthy. Don’t forget to bring bottled water and any medications your dog may be taking.
Be prepared in case of an emergency. Map out the locations of any 24-hour veterinary emergency hospitals along your route and save them to your phone and in-car navigation system (Garmin, TomTom etc). Check that you have your usual Vet’s office and emergency number on hand, simply in case the Vet at an emergency centre needs those details right away.

A crate is a fantastic way to keep your dog safe when travelling in the car and is essential for aeroplane travel. It can help keep your pet out of trouble in a hotel or at a friend’s house. Most pet supply stores and veterinarians sell crates. Fill the crate with a comfortable pad, your dog’s favourite toy, and a water bottle, and you’re good to go.
If your dog gets separated from you during your journey, you can improve his/her chances of recovery by making sure they can be quickly and correctly identified. Make sure your dog is wearing a strong leash and collar with Identification tags. The ID tags will need to have the dog’s name, your name, and your mobile phone number, you could also mark this onto the collar itself.
Consider getting a second identification tag if you intend to be gone for longer than a few days. Although Pet Parents should not need reminding these days, have your pet ‘microchipped’ and registered with your country’s ‘Central Animal Records’ organisation. It’s also a good idea to carry a recent picture of your dog with you, I recommend a dozen or so hardcopy prints as well as on your phone.
Do a bit of trip prep by allowing your dog to sit in the car with you without leaving the driveway and then taking brief journeys will help them get used to it. If it’s your first trip with your pet, planning to have your dog depart on an empty stomach will help him avoid getting car sick. Make sure he/she has plenty of water at all times, though. Make sure your car is sufficiently ventilated.
If your dog is in a crate, make sure it has access to fresh air. To keep your dog safe, consider using a dog seat belt or a dog car seat. Be sure to plan your rest stops at suitable locations, here is the link for ‘Rest Stop’ planning in NSW.

Before you load your dog into the back of your ute and hit the road, do your homework and learn exactly what is required of you as a dog owner when travelling with your dog. Any such relating rules in your state or country were set in place to help safeguard your dog. Following the rules will keep your dog healthy and happy for years to come, as well as keep you from paying a big fine.
Nothing rivals the sight of sheer joy on your dog’s face when you and your dog are out on the open road, you in the driver’s seat and your closest buddy riding shotgun in the back. His ears are blown back by the wind, and he has a broad grin on his face. It’s difficult to sometimes envision the perils of travelling with your dog in the back of your ute or truck, given how much delight it offers your furry best buddy.
Your dog is exposed to the elements when they are in the back of your ute. Your dog is at risk of getting struck by tree branches and other debris while you’re driving. Furthermore, if you drive with your dog in the summer, the tray of your ute may become too hot for him/her, resulting in heat stroke. Similarly, in cold weather, particularly rainy and damp weather, your ute’s bed may be excessively cold.
Having said that, the single greatest threat to your dogs safety while travelling in the back of your ute or truck is falling out while driving. When travelling with your dog in the back of your ute, hopefully most states and nations will have rules stating that your dog must be confined, either with a leash or a cage.
Keeping your dog secure in the back of your pickup, on the other hand, isn’t as simple as tying them off with a bit of rope. The leash you use should be long enough for your dog to sit and lie down comfortably, but not so long that he/she can reach the sides of your tray or body or be able to climb onto the cabin. It’s extremely important that they cannot extend themselves out over the side of the ute’s tray or body.
In most circumstances, an excessively lengthy tether is actually many times more dangerous than leaving your dog untethered. A leash that is overly long could cause your dog to fall out of the back or side of your pickup and be pulled either along the side or behind it. It will end in death, please don’t ever allow this to ever happen.
Use a swivel at the place where the lead connects to your dog’s collar and attaches to the bed of your truck or ute while tethering your dog to the back of your vehicle. Swivels keep your dog from getting tangled up in the tether. Remember that transporting your dog in the back of your ute or truck is extremely risky and can result in serious injury or death if done incorrectly, not only in accordance with the law, but also in accordance with the total safety of your dog.
If you want to take your dog out on the road with you, a cage or a purpose built enclosure is a terrific solution. If you choose to travel with your dog in a cage, be sure it is the right size. To keep him/her secure from the wind and rain, their enclosure should be well covered. Last but not least, their enclosure should be secured behind the cabin of your ute or truck. This will protect your dog from wind and dust, as well as keep the enclosure from shifting and moving while you travel.
In addition to everything else you have
read so far, there are a few more things you should do to guarantee your dog
has a safe and pleasant ride:
1. Cover the metal bottom of your
ute or truck with blankets or floor mats if it’s a hot day to keep your dog’s
feet from getting burned.
2. If you’re transporting tools or
other equipment in the bed of your ute with your dog, make sure they’re
securely fastened so they don’t dislodge and severely harm your dog if you hit
a big bump or large pot-hole.
3. Choke chains should never be used
to restrain your dog. Your dog may lose their footing, collapse over, and choke
himself if you drive over a big bump, brake unexpectedly, or make a sharp
curve. Use a quick-release collar instead.
4. Keep an eye out for pedestrians
when travelling with your dog in the bed of your ute or truck. It’s critical to
keep your dog from upsetting pedestrians while also keeping pedestrians from
bothering your dog. You must take care of your canine buddy and be aware of the
rules and restrictions that apply to travelling with your dog in the back of
your ute or truck.
5. Stopping for exercise and toilet
breaks is a must and if you’re in a place where people frequent, be sure to
clean up the poop.
Most people, especially youngsters, find car rides boring, so teach your children not to tease or bother the dog in the car. Never, ever leave your dog alone in a parked car, especially during the hotter times of the year. If you must leave the automobile, assign a family member to look after the dog.
Teach your dog to pee on a variety of surfaces, not just grass, before you leave the house. Having the opportunity to ‘do their business’ on a variety of surfaces, such as concrete, mulch, and gravel, will reduce your dog’s discomfort as well as the risk of accidents when you’re driving or otherwise. Bring a supply of poop bags to clean up after your dog, as well as a couple of leashes in case you lose one on a long trip.
Bring activities and toys to keep your dog entertained. Include some new toys as well as some old favourites. To keep your dog interested, consider including a puzzle-type toy. Their usual Food and lots of water should be brought with you. Consult your Vet about providing your dog just bottled water while you’re away from home to avoid an upset stomach. Instead of bringing his heavy dishes, buy collapsible bowls and train your dog to use them for a couple of weeks before you leave.
Consider other very tired travellers and keep your dog as quiet as possible once you’ve arrived at your Pet Friendly accommodation. In a hotel or motel room, never leave your dog alone. If left alone in an unfamiliar environment, many dogs will bark excessively or destroy property. Ask at the front desk where you should walk your dog and, of course, bring poop bags, pick up after your dog, and don’t leave any mess. Remember that one bad experience with a dog guest could prompt the hotel management to refuse to allow any dogs in the future. Be considerate of others and leave your room and the grounds in good condition.
Remember, this is a vacation, and it’s likely something you’ve been looking forwards to for a long time, so enjoy it. Travelling with your pet might be stressful, so take your time and don’t worry about how long the trip takes. Just get there safely, that’s the only goal you need to have. A relaxed pet parent frequently has a relaxed pet because our animals pick up on our stress. If you’re stressed out and tense during the travel, your dog may exhibit nervousness and stress as well.
Remember that some dogs despise travelling no matter what you do, and the simple truth is that some dogs might prefer to stay at home with a dog sitter or at a quality Dog Boarding Kennel.
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New South Wales, Australia, 2333
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